All the Way Page 2
My favorite, to be honest, was the time he rode bare-assed on a saucer sled down the hill at the Tall Oaks Country Club, on some kind of bet. Apparently his cute little butt froze to the saucer, and he had to pour a beer on it to get it unstuck.
Guys who do idiotically dumb things like that seem vulnerable to me, which makes them almost likable.
Emphasis on almost.
Anyway, I had told Rachel all that, and how he was always hitting on me and flirting when he ran into me as he left Molly’s house. Her house and mine have adjacent drive-ways, and it usually timed out that I was on my way back for dinner from the garage studio when he was leaving her house to go home.
No—not on purpose.
But I didn’t actually think he was serious. I couldn’t possibly be the reason Joey and Molly were arguing—could I?
I stared, waiting for something else to happen, just like Joey was. Finally Molly sat up and said something to him with a hateful, furious look on her face. Joey froze for a minute. Then he stomped out of her bedroom and slammed the door. We could see five heads snap—all of the people in the family room turned at the sound of the door slamming.
A minute later, Joey stormed down the driveway, got into his car, revved the engine really loud, and roared away.
“Wow,” Rachel said. “That was intense.”
I nodded, still watching Molly, who was now facedown on her bed.
Everyone in the family room seemed to know something bad had happened, because they kept looking toward the direction of Molly’s room, waiting for her to come out. When she didn’t, they finally got up, one by one, and slipped out the back door.
“Hmmm. Looks like you’re a home wrecker,” Rachel teased, shooting me one of her go for it grins.
“Oh, come on. I haven’t even talked to him in two weeks. There’s no way they were fighting about me.”
“Maybe not. But she looked ready to throttle him about something. I’m guessing you don’t get that pissed at someone just for spending too much time with the guys.”
I forced myself to turn away from the window. How wrapped up in their lives could I get? I had a life of my own—sort of. At least that’s what I was telling myself.
And honestly, that was the real reason I was so determined to go to the prom. My senior year had sucked, but I didn’t want to let it end that way. I didn’t want to graduate and go off to college feeling like I hadn’t really ever been a senior, hadn’t done all the fun senior stuff and taken advantage of what was supposed to be the best year of my high school life.
At least if I got a date and turned these last few weeks into something special and memorable, it would make up for a whole year of social isolation.
“So what am I going to do?” I asked Rachel. Of course I meant about the prom.
She gave me a sympathetic look but shrugged. What could she say? We both knew I had zilch in the way of choices.
Rachel checked her watch. “Oh my God, I’ve got to get ready. Jeremy’s picking me up in an hour, and we’re going to a party at Steph’s.”
She had blurted it out before she thought about how I’d feel.
Quickly, she shot me an I’m sorry look, then gathered up her beads, threw a long shimmery scarf around her neck, and headed for the stairs.
Hey—it’s not her fault that a few of my old friends have sort of forgotten about me. Not all of them, of course. But Steph and I were never that close.
I followed her down and out of the garage to the street, where her three-year-old Ford Focus was parked. “Call me when you think of a plan,” I said. “I am not going to miss our senior prom!”
“I’ll ask Jeremy. He’ll come up with someone.”
It was a hollow promise, I knew, because Jeremy was terrible at this kind of thing. The guy has zero social networking skills. But she was trying.
“Great—thanks.” I was determined to be optimistic.
Rachel got into her car and zoomed off into the sunset—literally, the sun was going down. I walked to the mailbox and started to haul out the stack of catalogs we got almost every day. My mom is the mail-order queen.
Then I heard a car engine roar up and squeal to a stop in front of Molly’s house.
It was Joey, still driving his shiny black Mustang convertible like he wanted to kill someone. He stomped up the steps to Molly’s house and went in without even knocking.
Wow. What’s that about? I wondered. It didn’t look like she’d text-messaged him that she was so sorry, would he please come running back right now.
Then Joey came out again, slamming the door behind him and carrying his backpack. I guess he’d blown out of there in such a hurry the first time, he’d left it behind.
“Hi,” he said, instantly slowing down and crossing over from Molly’s driveway to mine.
I tried not to glance at Molly’s windows. Was she watching us? How much more trouble did this guy want to be in?
“Nice top,” Joey said, looking me up and down and grinning at my chest.
I knew he was technically talking about my sweater, which was a pale blue supershort thing that clung to me in all the right places and showed plenty of midriff. But his eyes were fixed on only one part: my boobs.
Okay, so I have a great chest, I’ll have to admit.
I tried not to smile at him, because he was being such a Neanderthal, but he gave me that great, seductive smile he has, dimples and all, and then he met my eyes and didn’t let his own wander down to my chest again. So I finally smiled back.
“Thanks.” I didn’t know what else to say. A few of the mail order catalogs started to slip, so I pressed the stack closer to me. Honestly, I didn’t intend this, but it made my boobs look even bigger.
Joey laughed.
“So, uh, we should go out sometime,” he said, still keeping his eyes where they technically belonged.
“Oh, right.” I shook my head. “What are you, a masochist or something? I’m thinking Molly wouldn’t be too good with that.” I glanced at her house, wondering if she was taking this whole thing in.
“No, that’s over,” Joey said. “Molly and I broke up.”
He made it sound like a mutual decision, but it hadn’t looked that way to me.
“Are you sure?”
I was sort of stalling for time because I wasn’t sure I wanted to come between the two most powerful social icons in the whole school. But he was way cute—and I really wanted a date for the prom. I’d have to be crazy to turn down Joey Perrone at a time like this.
“Definitely. It’s over,” he said. “Molly’s history. Listen, why don’t we go to the donkey basketball game tomorrow night? It should be slammin’. Hornersham on an ass? I’ve got to see that.”
Donkey basketball is a lame Ohio fund-raising thing that’s been around forever. Some company brings donkeys to your high school, they teach you how to ride without hurting the animals, and then it’s teachers versus students riding donkeys, trying to play a real game of basketball on the court.
Yeah. Everyone disses it, but everyone goes.
“Come on,” Joey said, touching my arm lightly. “Go out with me, Carmen. Pretty please?”
He’s so arrogant, he even sounded like he was mocking me a little bit when he was asking nicely. But it also seemed like he really wanted me to go.
I caved.
“Okay,” I said.
“Great.” He looked totally pleased, which was nice. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”
Then he slung his backpack over one shoulder and strolled to his car, obviously in a much better mood than he had been when he arrived.
Cool! I thought. I finally had a date—and with the most popular guy in the whole school!
If things worked out with Joey and I got lucky, prom night could wind up being the best night of my life.
And even if it didn’t work out, just being seen with him should count for something at Norton, shouldn’t it?r />
After tomorrow night, I figured at least people would know my name.
Boy . . . was I right.
Chapter 2
“Rachel, I’m totally screwed,” I said into my cell phone the next night, as I was getting ready for my date with Joey. “None of my purses look right. The blue one clashes. This brown thing is so gigantic, it looks like a feed bag. What on earth was I thinking when I bought it, and why did you let me?” I didn’t wait for an answer. “And my little black one is too dressy, don’t you think?”
I was in a panic, trying to get ready for the first decent date I’d had all year. I had shopped all morning for the perfect outfit—and by the way, if you ever find the perfect outfit for a donkey basketball game, let me know. I’d finally settled on a really cute, short black denim miniskirt, which looked fabulous with my black Uggs, and a pink cotton camisole trimmed in lace, layered under a pink Juicy hoodie. I had my hair pulled into a ponytail, tied with a pink and black scrunchie.
I didn’t want to spoil the whole effect by carrying the wrong bag.
“So don’t take a purse,” Rachel advised. “What’s the big deal?”
“Where am I supposed to put my cell phone?” I whined.
“Cell phone, lip gloss, condoms,” Rachel joked. “That’s all a girl ever needs, right?”
I shook my head. Honestly, I’ve never heard Rachel make so many jokes about having sex until recently. She and I always said we’d wait. Something must be in the air, and I didn’t think it was senioritis.
“The skirt doesn’t have pockets,” I said. “I guess I could just stick my cell in my hoodie pocket.”
“Perfect,” Rachel said. “Besides, not carrying a bag makes you look more spontaneous or vulnerable or carefree. Guys like all those things.”
“Right,” I said. I heard a car outside and glanced out the window, but it wasn’t him. Still, I felt nervous. “I’d better go. I’ve got to change my earrings and pee.”
“Have fun!” Rachel sounded genuinely excited for me.
I was pretty wired, I had to admit. I went into the bathroom and took five deep, cleansing breaths. I’m not into yoga or anything, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try to get my pulse to stop pounding. What is it about not having a date for seven months that makes you feel like an eighth-grader again?
Joey rang the bell a few minutes later, and I forced myself to hang out upstairs so my mom had to answer it. When I came down the steps, he had those dimples going on. The look on his face actually made me feel like a princess.
I know. It’s so trite. But it was true.
“Hey,” he said, grinning at me. “You ready?”
I nodded, made the quick introductions to my mom, apologized for the fact that the living room wall had recently been demolished, and we were out of there.
Joey held the door open for me, and I slid into his Mustang. The seats were deep and tilted, so my skirt rode up even more when I sat down. It barely covered my crotch. I know Joey noticed, but he didn’t act like a jerk or anything.
“You look nice,” he said, sounding all gentlemanly and giving me an approving smile. “I like the pink.”
Who knew there was a softer side to Joey Perrone?
“Thanks. You do, too.”
He was wearing a tight brown knit Henley that clung to his chest and made him look like he worked out six days a week. Which I don’t think he did. He was just so athletic and on so many teams, it kept him in great shape.
“So who’s playing tonight?” I asked. “Besides Hornersham, I mean.”
“Oh, it’s going to be a hoot,” he said. “Brenda Masserhof is the center, Rhinegold is on the team, and so is Old Mango. Asses riding asses—you can’t beat that for entertainment.”
I blinked for a minute, wondering if Mrs. Masserhof, the biology teacher, had a daughter named Brenda. But then I realized no, Joey just liked the shock value of calling teachers by their first names—behind their backs, anyway.
Old Mango was everyone’s nickname for the puny little Spanish teacher, Mr. Vladibo, because he looked a lot like the character Mango from Saturday Night Live, except much older. Slicked-back hair. Girly hips. Pooched-out potbelly. Way too much sway when he walked.
Could I picture Mr. Vladibo on a donkey, trying to shoot a basket? Not so much.
“So why aren’t you playing?” I asked. “I could see you getting off on slam-dunking against Hornersham.”
“Too easy,” Joey said. “Besides, it’s more fun to sit in the stands and totally mock everyone.”
Yeah, that sounded like him.
Joey pulled into the parking lot at school, which was already packed, and squeezed into a spot near the back. The lights from inside were blazing, and there was a definite vibe in the air, like this was going to be some kind of extraordinary night. Other kids were threading their way through the parked cars, heading inside, and we followed behind them.
“You cold?” Joey asked, putting his arm around my waist as we walked inside.
I hadn’t been cold, but I shivered when he touched me. I guess it had been a long time. I mean, since I’d had a guy’s hand on my body.
“I’m fine,” I said, glancing up at him.
“You look hot,” Joey said.
I smiled so hard it almost hurt. Which was weird, because normally, I wouldn’t even be that psyched about dating a guy like Joey. He was so full of himself, he wasn’t really my type.
But after the dry spell I’d had this year, I’d have been happy to go out with Mango himself!
Joey pulled me a little closer as we walked into the gym. Wow, I thought. He’s being really . . . what? Forward? Possessive? Affectionate?
I wasn’t sure which.
All at once, a tiny little voice in the back of my head said, Hold on. What if he expects me to have sex with him tonight? I mean, Joey and Molly had been doing it regularly—like, every Friday afternoon—for as long as I could remember. What if he expected the same from me?
But I told that tiny little voice to shut up and stop being ridiculous. Molly and Joey had been going out for years, probably. Of course they were going to fool around. That was different. No way would he expect the same from me. Not on a first date, anyway.
Joey moved his hand up to my shoulder and gave it a squeeze. Like he wanted to reassure me, or something.
What was he, a mind reader?
The bleachers in the gym were filling up quickly, so we sort of stood there, trying to figure out where to sit. I saw a pack of Molly’s friends—Ursula, Amber, Isabel, and a girl I didn’t know—clumped in the middle of the best seats, center court about eight rows up. There was an empty seat in the middle of them with a jacket on it, probably Molly’s. They all stared at us for a nanosecond and then tried to pretend they weren’t interested, but I could still feel them watching. Other people were staring at us, too.
I guess when you show up at school with the hottest guy in the senior class, people notice.
“Come on,” Joey said, taking my hand and leading me up the steps to a row that was just two rows higher than where Molly’s friends were sitting. We weren’t exactly right behind them, more off to the side. But close enough.
Was he trying to keep an eye on her? Or just making sure she noticed us?
On the way, we passed my cousin Ariel and her best friend, Gina, who were the only two friends I had at Norton. Having Ariel had been both a blessing and a curse, to tell you the truth. It was a blessing to have an instant friend on the first day of school last fall. But it was a curse because I got lazy and didn’t really try to hook up with anyone else. Why bother? I figured I’d be spending all my time with Rachel at my old school—not hanging out at Norton much anyway. And since Ariel wasn’t too socially connected, I wound up being part of a really small group—the group of Ariel and Gina.
Ariel’s dark brown eyes opened wide when she saw me with Joey. She shot me a look that said, Wow! How and when did you land him?
I smiled at her and sort of shrugge
d to indicate, I’ll tell you later.
“Hey, man,” some guy said to Joey as we scooted into the bleacher row. “What’s up?”
“Not much.” Joey squeezed my hand when he said it, so I wouldn’t feel like he was saying I wasn’t much.
Like I said, who knew there was a softer side to Joey Perrone?
Once we were settled, perched high in the bleachers with a view of the whole social scene below, Joey really came to life.
“Check out Jessica B.,” he said, nodding toward the end of the basketball court where all the players were trying to mount their donkeys. “Have you ever seen thighs that big on a girl that short?”
Jessica B. was a cheerleader at Norton, and her thighs were muscular, not flabby. They weren’t really that big, but I knew what he meant. Tonight she was supposed to be playing donkey ball on the student team—if she could ever heave herself up onto that animal. The donkey kept turning his head to sniff her while she was trying to climb on. Each time his head came close, Jessica would freak out, lose her balance, and slide off.
“She’s probably wearing that perfume of hers,” I guessed.
“Oh, for sure,” Joey nodded. “She always reeks of some fruity sweet thing. She sits next to me in calc.”
“Sex on the Beach,” I said authoritatively.
Joey turned to give me a raised eyebrow.
“What? You don’t know all the Demeter perfumed body glitter sprays by name?” I joked. “You’re obviously not spending enough time at Sephora.”
Joey laughed. “Oh, I’ve put in my time standing around at Sephora. Molly practically lived there.”
Inside, I sort of froze at the mention of Molly’s name. Here we go, I thought. He won’t be able to stop talking about his ex all night, and I’ll go home feeling like his shrink instead of his date.